
Sunday 2 November 2014

Butterfly Kisses and Christmas Wishes

Hi guys

I'm so sorry it's been a whole week since I shared anything with you.  I will have a few cards to share with you in the coming week so I hope you'll swing by again.

Today's card, well actually two cards, were made for the latest challenge at Less is More.  I ran out of time to enter last week's challenge so have made sure I could enter this current one where the theme is 'Non-Traditional Colour Christmas Card'.

Here is my entry...

I bought this stamp set over a year ago and never used it last Christmas so felt it deserved an inking this year.  On a panel of white cardstock I stamped the butterfly tree and sentiment in Memento Tuxedo Black ink and then coloured the butterflies with FlexMarkers.  The panel was then popped up on 3D foam.

Materials used:

  • Stamps: Personal Impressions - Butterfly Kisses and Christmas Wishes
  • Ink: Memento - Tuxedo Black
  • FlexMarkers: Duck Egg, Sorbet and Tulip Yellow

I would also like to link this card up at the following challenge blogs:

Simply Create Too - Challenge #73 - Shop in your Craft Room (old unused stamp set)
The Crafter's Cafe - Challenge #88 - Things with Wings
Totally Gorjuss - Challenge 260 - Non-traditional Christmas Colours
Addicted to Stamps and More - Challenge #119 - CAS

Now, this second card was actually the one I made first.  It's made in exactly the same way but I coloured it with ProMarkers in Ocean Teal, Pastel Green and Cloud Blue.

I was going to enter this one but Less is More state that no green would be allowed for the challenge.  Although these are teal, aqua and blue I thought I'd make another to be sure it qualified.  But, if I had to choose a fave I think this one would win, mainly because teal is one of my favourite colours.  Which would win your vote?

On a separate note...

Those of you that follow my blog regularly may have noticed I have recently changed my photograph watermark.  In the past I've made my own with a bit of a struggle as I only have the option of free online editing at the moment.  The watermark I am currently using was created by the super-talented and lovely Kylie Purtell, who also happens to be my 'boss' at Addicted to Stamps and More.  

Watermarks are such a good idea as I know a couple of people who have had their photographs 'stolen' and then gained recognition for work that isn't their own.  For a small fee Kylie will happily create a bespoke watermark for you.  Here are her details...

That's all for now folks, Happy Sunday!


  1. I love your butterfly Christmas tree... both colors combinations look fabulous!

  2. Sorry to hear you didn't get chance to enter the LIM challenge last week Neets. To be honest I didn't get all my commenting done either with being away so off to do that now!
    I adore these cards though so unusual but beautiful Christmas idea. Fantastic idea and superb colour schemes.
    I did notice your watermark and I'm keen to get in touch to update mine as I'm struggling with the graphics. Yours is fantastic.
    Thanks for sharing your cards at LIM as always.
    Sarah xx

  3. The butterfly Christmas tree looks awesome !!

  4. Love this butterfly tree and your coloring is so pretty, Anita!

  5. That stamp is stunning! I think I like the blue and green one best, but they are both gorgeous.
    Happy LIMing!
    Rosey x

  6. What a great stamp, I just love it! It is so unusual, what a find. And the colours look great, a real stunner Anita x

  7. Great cards! I love the second one best as it's my favourite colour combination.

  8. What a fun idea to have a butterfly Christmas tree!
    These are both super Neet!
    Thanks so much
    Less is More

  9. A beautiful tree and wonderful colours !

  10. Two super cards Neet, love the tree stamp. Carol x

  11. Beautiful cards, VERY nontraditional. Well done, Rebecca x

  12. Oh wow, I love that butterfly tree, it's gorgeous. Luv, Wilma

  13. What a fun image, Anita ... love all the movement you've created with the colours in both versions! I'm so fond of those teals and blues too, so if I had to choose between the two, that would be my fave! Anita :)

  14. Fab cards ..... love your little butterfly tree! xx

  15. What beautiful CAS cards. I love the colours and the butterfly tree is gorgeous. Thanks for joining us at Simply Create Too.

  16. Sorry to be so late commenting this week Neets, gorgeous stamp and cards!
    Thank you so much for joining us at Less is More
    LIM Designer


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